Setting goals for the future and finding inspiration

University's been picking up lately and I've been feeling a bit drained, but at the same time I've been happy and motivated. After having had a couple of quiet months with less to do I'm really starting to realise that I thrive on being busy. I do better when there's several deadlines to meet and lots of things to juggle at the same time. This has also made me think about how it is easy to become 'safe', mainly because I think that's what's happened to me lately. After 2 years of constantly experiencing new things and throwing myself at every opportunity I was happy to go into 2018 knowing what was in front of me. I was familiar with my degree, I had a job that I liked and I had developed a strong group of friends. And I did need that time to recharge - we all do - but now I'm ready to go again! Ready for new adventures, goals and challenges. It's an exciting feeling when you get to that point again, but also a bit daunting. Although, even though I am a bit scared I also can't wait to develop professionally, meet new and inspiring people and find a path that takes me towards those visions I have in my head. Are you guys working towards something specific right now? My clear and most reachable goal right now is to find a placement/internship for 2019 that resonates with my values and future visions.