Today someone overstepped my sexual boundaries and I didn't say no

(This post will only be in English, for Swedish - press here to come to a google translated version of the text)Today someone overstepped my sexual boundaries and I didn't say no. Oh how I hate, how people in there professions use their superior power to over cross peoples boundaries. Different teachers, therapists, healers, gurus. The list could go on. When someone is an expert of what they do, and someone who reaches out for help, how can you even be capable of shatter someones already broken spirit that is in need of help?I have seen this in so many cases, in tantra and yoga this have happened many times. Gurus that uses their power to get in bed with people. Especially in subjects such as tantra, with deep teachings about sexual energy - then you have an even bigger responsibility to pass these teachings on. Therapists who says that they give a therapeutic yoni massage, and then its just a masterbation session while the body worker gains a pleasure from it. And for a vulnerable person who reaches out cause they want to experience this kind of treatment, they don’t knew what is right and what is wrong, so they just follow through and thinks that its how it supposed to be. And in the end probably blames them self for being so stupid and going there and for feeling like shit after. Yoni-massage I would recommend every woman to experience, BUT, be super careful who you go to. I would never go to a session where I havn't got some recommendations by people I trust. There is so many bluffers in this angle out there. Trust your gut feeling here.How can they not see their responsibility to use these teachings in the right way, and pass it forward for other to evolve instead of traumatize these people even more.Ah.. this makes me crazy ! Today, I had a session with a man here in Ubud. That wasn’t supposed to be sexual at all. Just a normal healing massage. I have some problems with my back and my knees and I felt I needed some guidance and healing. I got recommended this balinese man that both me and a friend booked an appointment with. Usually he gives his sessions on a restaurant here, in a private area. But this time he asked if he could come to my place instead and he could give me a session there. And I though, okey no worries. He came here, we were talking about life a little bit and I at first got a good vibe from him. I had shorts on and a top on. Everything was fine until he stated to massage my bum, and how it felt like he was getting a bit too close to my vagina. Then my first thoughts of that it was something weird was going on started. But I kind of tried to not be in my head and tried thinking that this was just his way of healing. It wasn’t that extreme that I would have asked him to stop, it was just a bit more sexual than I have experienced before. I have had my bum massaged plenty of times, but its a fine line between what is sexual and not. He kept on going with my breasts. And also here, both in india and in Indonesia, its just in the normal massage routine to massage the breasts. So I don’t think its anything weird about that. But then when I was sitting up, he kind of leaned his whole body towards my back while he was making a sound and massaging my breasts. In my mind thoughts such as ”this is just how his healing works, he must be transferring his energy through his body to mine in a way”. And I was so into the session, all vulnerable so I just kind of talked myself into that it was okey.  He massages my stomach and then folded my pants down with out asking, and my pubes got shown. And he made a comment about that it was blond. And I got really uncomfortable and took my pants up a bit. So I just mumbled something and he kept on going with the massage.This man was also just by his look a small cute balinese man, so I kind of told myself he was just very natural about these things. Like its a normal thing to comment on.  And in the end it just got really weird. He said the session was done, he sat next to me and leaned his forehead to mine. And I though it was just some form of balinese ending ritual with a small gratitude meditation together. But then while sitting there I felt his face moving and our lips got closer, and it felt like he was almost trying to kiss me, but I moved my head and started stumbled ”eeew, hmm thanks for the session, blah blah…” We stood up, I payed him, and when he was leaving he hugged me, and then again he tried leaning his head to my head, and again tried to kiss me, but I moved my head and said buy in a more harsh way. Usually I’m very upfront and straight forward, but this was just not something I expected at all. So I was just taken on the spot, and didn't know how to react. It was also so small things with overstepping the boundaries, that I had to ask my self over and over again.. ”hmmm, this feels a bit too sexual and strange than a normal massage, or does it, or am I getting it all wrong here?” After the session I went to have breakfast with some friends at Revive and my friend was there so we talked about our sessions, and when I told my story she agreed and said she felt exactly the same. That she felt that it was getting strange at some moments but she didn't know if it was okey or not. But when we both shared our stories we both felt that this was not okey.  This is so not okey. Now I'm very offended by the situation and I feel stupid that I didn't say anything. While reading my own text now I think "but hallooo, how could you not understand?". But when you are in the moment it is so easy to just get swept in. Just wanted to express this, and tell everyone to be extra careful. Really listen to your heart, if something feels wrong - IT IS WRONG! Never do something you are not comfortable with. I regret that I didn't stand up for myself and said something.And I will for sure do something about this!