
I got an email today from Cultural Care - the company I'm an au pair for - saying it's time for me to request my flight back home to Sweden. It's still a couple of months left until my time is up, so don't worry, I'm not going back just yet. But getting that email got me feeling so upset. It's such a bittersweet feeling, cause there are times I can't think of anything else than to start my life back in Sweden, to see my family and friends and to not live at work. But if I could stay in America forever, but to have more of an "normal" life, I'd take that offer in a heartbeat. Living in both Virginia and California for the past year and a half has been so, so good. Both states have treated me very well, and it's hard to pick if I like the east or the west coast better. It's like picking your favorite parent.. I'm so proud of myself for moving here and for never doubting that decision, ever. So to move back home to Sweden and to leave this live I've made for myself over here hurts more than anything. When I asked my family how long they want me to stay for, they said until the last day of my visa. I love them so much it hurts. Now I'm gonna request my flight and then put this behind me for a while. Never take people or moments for granted, cause you never know when it's over. Take care guys xx