Festival madness is over for this time guys! June has been full on and non stop, hence the silence online. But now I'm staying put for a while! Before we head in to concerts and parties from the actual cameras, let's have a quick peek at what life has looked like in the city through my iPhone lately.  I've had some of my last days with my little girls, who are moving to Sweden this summer. Been trying to squeeze as much quality time in as possible before they go (can't think about this too much as it makes me tear up instantly). One of the hottest days was spent at Jardin d'acclimatation, playing in their water installations and petting warm goats.  A great place, a bit of a hidden gem really. The kids love it and so do I, there are animals, rides, food - all in a big, pretty park. And slushies! Mmmm.  Been mostly just trying to beat the heat with ice water and constant fanning. It's finally a bit cooler now (well, it's 27 degrees today, so still pretty warm...), but I'm staying close to the fan at all times just in case.  Queued up for Rammstein in 36 degrees heat! SO hot but SO worth it.  The organisers had put up foil blankets for shade and we had a 1.5 litre bottle of water with us. We survived (just).  I rocked fishnets and Duncan kept his head in the shade.  We managed to get to the front with a bunch of Germans who had been following the band on tour! An absolutely amazing night, with lots more pics to come. Stay tuned!  We've celebrated Canada day!  First in Nick's courtyard, with BBQ and extremely stressful drinking games.  Then in a very dark Parc Montsouris with more games, slides, new friends and a face plant. Fun night >< I've gotten back in to using Duolingo for studying Spanish, my goal is to finish every stage at number one 😬 Last night was concert time again! Alien Weaponry, three young guys from New Zealand who play GREAT heavy music! Last night in the smallest venue ever, Les Etoiles, at one point the whole place turned in to a mosh pit. Insane! That's all for now loves, time for me to start going through Hellfest pics I think..! Watch this space ✨